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The second color negative film release from CineStill, CineStill 50Daylight Xpro C-41 in 35mm is now available for pre-order! CineStill 50D will begin shipping in early November but stock is limited on this initial release so order yours now and be the first to try out this new film!

With the addition of this new low ISO, fine grain, high resolution, ultra-sharp daylight balanced color film you can now shoot with the same coveted emulsion used by Hollywood directors and cinematographers in bright, high contrast daylight with wonderful results! This emulsion is boasted by Kodak to be "the world’s finest grain film!"

Though CineStill has been extremely busy this past month working on their KICKSTARTER for medium format film, they have not stopped working on making motion picture film available in it's native 35mm format for still photography and expanding their current 35mm offerings.

The colors this film offers are really quite amazing and something quite different from anything else currently available. As with their previous 800Tungsten stock, CineStill's rem-jet "Premoval" makes this motion picture ( ECN2) film safe to process in standard C-41 photo lab machines or at home and the results are beyond that of any other films available to photographers.

This ISO 50 speed daylight balanced (5500K) motion picture emulsion is being offered in standard 36 exposure 135 format. This film is created from original fresh Kodak 50D stock and is optimized for a hybrid workflow, ideal for scanning. Treat this film as a low speed 50 ISO film when processing in C-41. May also be processed in motion picture ECN-2 chemistry.

CineStill 50D 35mm film

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